Dear friends,
In the last edition you were invited to my exhibition ‘The Balance’ at Malahide library. At ‘The Balance’ I had a painting in progress on display. I worked on this at the show, giving visitors the additional interest of seeing how I create a painting. Below is the finished piece, ‘Silver breeze’.
The week before ‘The Balance’, I gave a two day talk and demonstration to the children of St. Helen’s National school in Portmarnock, Co. Dublin. I made a large drawing of a tree that the children of the school walk by every day, but may not have particularly noticed before. The experience of teaching in the school was extremely uplifting and rewarding.
I asked the children to create their own works of art based on the tree and we had an exhibition of their art several weeks later.
Recently there have been many additions and improvements to
Have a look at the reworked ‘drawings’ section
and the reworked ‘out and about’ section
I have mapped out a schedule of future events, with a solo show booked in for May 2013 (details to follow shortly).
If you have friends who would like to receive this newsletter, please do let them know about it.
The next edition of the Newsletter will be sent to you in November.
Kindest regards,
Ronan Goti.